The "Energie Codes und Services GmbH" was founded as a wholly-owned BDEW e.V. subsidiary and assigns and manages BDEW codes. Furthermore, the range of services are steadily expanded.


The market participants (companies) in the electronic market communication are uniquely identified by the market partner ID. In its electicity segment, this ID is the BDEW code number. Every company in the electicity market recieve exactly one BDEW code number for every single role of their market roles according to the market roles model.


By §§ 3 Ziff. 3, 14 EnWG (Stromnetzbetreiber) electricity operators are natural or legal persons or legally non-independent organizational entities of a power supply company. Among other things, the power grid operator numbers are required for the creation of a counting point according to MeteringCode (VDE-AR-N 4400).


An important prerequisite for a wide acceptance of electromobility is the possibility to charge at every charging station regardless of its operator. An important element of this roaming system is the provider ID and EVSE operator ID. These identificators are used for instance in the authentification by RFID cards, phone- and webapplications.

Marketlocation ID

All marketlocations in the electricity and gas sector (injection and withdrawal) and all tranches in the electricity sector are provided with the so called "MaLo-ID" and are uniquely identified by it. The "MaLo-ID" is division independent and shall not be modified.

Energy Identification Codes

Energy Identification Codes (EIC) are identification numbers for natural and legal persons (companies), areas and objects in the energy market and unique throughout europe.


You can also easily access and manage BDEW code numbers, EIC code numbers and contact sheets automatically via our API interface.