Energy Identification Codes (EIC) are Europe-wide unique identification numbers for the identification of natural or legal persons (companies), territories and objects.
The European Network of Transmission System Operations for Electricity (ENTSO-E) is the European Central Issuing Office (CIO). In addition, there are local issuing offices (LIOs) at national level.
The BDEW Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e. V. (Federal Association of the German Energy and Water Industries) performs the task of LIO for the German electricity market. Energy identification codes for the electricity market are issued and administered by BDEW subsidiary Energie Codes und Services GmbH.
The regulations for EIC allocation and use are described in the ENTSO-E EIC Reference Manual as well as the related implementation guidelines and documents ENTSO-E EIC data exchange implementation guide, Energy Identification Code - Short Guide and FAQ and the EIC list of allowed functions.
If you would like to apply for a balancing group for Redispatch 2.0, please select EIC type Y in the Balance Group function.